Saturday, 26 November 2011

Looking for a gift with real meaning?

I CAN - helps children commnicateFor just £15, I CAN, the children's communication charity is giving you the chance to give a little bit of the English language to someone special. They'll also send you an adoption pack for you to wrap up and put under the Christmas tree.

Find a word to give as gift or create your own
And the best part: all proceeds are used to help children who struggle to find the words they need make friends and progress at school. For children with speech and language problems, the right help can make a huge difference to their well-being and their future prospects. This Christmas please give a gift of words and help change the story of a child's life.
1 word will provide a family with a DVD giving them advice and support,  2 will help them respond to a worried parent by phone, while 5 will help a child receive one-to-one support from a speech and language therapist.
Go to to adopt a word now

I've chosen the word 'PERSEVERENCE' as my word as that's we need so much of to make a difference both in life and in therapy situations. What will you choose??


1 comment:

  1. I would choose honesty because I think children who are struggling need to be honest to those around them and to themselves.
