Friday, 22 June 2012

Smart Talkers are awarded by Netmums

We are delighted to have been recognised by the parents who come along to our classes in the recent Netmums awards. Thank you to everyone who voted for us. It makes it even more special that its a parent vote.

The particular class hi-lighted was the Teeny Talker group at Silkmore Children's Centre. This is for two year olds who are not talking as much or as well as expected. There are many reasons for this but we try to narrow  the gap as the recent Roulestone 2011 study (basis for the think 2 project) showed that children need to be identified at two so that early intervention can begin. Roulestone et al showed that if a child is delayed at 2 years, without intervention, he will still be delayed upon school entry and may never catch up.

We work on attention, listening, auditory memory, vocabulary plus other receptive and expressive language skills in a very simple format. We use puppets, stories, songs, bubbles and games.

We do other Teeny Talker groups across the area and also do Teeny Talker demonstration training for staff of 2 year olds where we run a group for 6 weeks in the nursery (no cover costs incurred then!). However, if you  want to get away from the children, we also do training courses for parents and staff with a variety of accredited courses at levels 1, 2 and 3.

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