Wednesday 25 May 2011

Teachers... is your voice strong enough?

As children's attention levels are deteriorating, class teachers have to spend more time re-directing and refocusing..... how? By talking louder than the hum of the noise generated by children who are also talking. To be able to do this they need to be able to project their voices rather than shout. When I was at University the lecturer on voice problems taught us rapidly and simply to be able to do this. Consequently, I can talk all day and didn't need a mike when I used to teach aerobics. The techniques she showed us were easy and took 3 sessions.

Speech & Language therapists, however, don't actually have to project their voices over noise all day like teachers do, yet how many teacher training courses include voice projection or how to look after your voice? Their voice IS the tool of their trade. Last year a teacher received thousands in compensation for losing her voice, and thereby her source of income, but I don't now any schools who have invested money into training so it doesn't happen in their school. There will be at least one teacher in every school who has trouble with their 'throat' or voice and all would benefit from being shown good practise.

The Speech & Language Therapists at Kerry PCT have put together a short video which you may find helpful http://youtube/jExkenbRm2c

For further details of good practise or to arrange training for your school

1 comment:

  1. Great article, very relevant. I used to work with a teacher who was constantly losing her voice. Shame I couldn't point her to you. When I did my teacher training in Australia we were given a brief course on the importance of looking after the voice and I've found it invaluable. I also joined a public speaking club to help my vocal control and variety.
