Friday, 8 June 2012

Does your child tick some boxes for traditional diagnoses but not others ?

Perhaps some of the following will ring bells?

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is defined as a deficit “in information processing of audible signals not attributed to impaired hearing sensitivity or intellectual impairment” (Roeser and Downs, 1995, p.101). Prevalence data for APD is sparse, especially for children, but in Chermak, Hall and Musiek (1999) they cited Chermak and Musiek (1997) as saying it is estimated that APD occurs in 2-3 percent of children, with a 2:1 ratio of boys and girls. Dr Tont Sinimarra from GOSH thinks it could be as high as 8%!

Common Symptoms: 
  • Easily distracted by background noise.
  • Doesn't follow oral directions well, especially if they are complex and have to be carried out some time later.
  • Has problems recalling names, dates, times, and other information.
  • Has poor memory for numbers, letters, words, and other information that is heard.
  • Has difficulty with directions, especially if they are complex, lengthy, presented in a noisy background or to be carried out some time later.
  • Asks for statements to be repeated.
  • Is slow to respond to questions or directions.
  • Gives inappropriate answers to simple questions.
  • Has difficulty interpreting abstract information.
  • Has poor musical abilities.
  • Is slow to respond to questions or directions.
  • Has difficulty with verbal math problems.
  • Shows unusual reaction to sudden or loud sounds.
  • Has difficulty identifying the source or location of a sound.
  • Is easily distracted by noises.
  • Performs better in one-to-one settings (Kelly, D.A., 1995).
If you can identify with any of these, your child may have APD. We'll look at strategies in later posts.

We can screen fro APD using Scan 3 and LiSN-S so please get in touch if you would like us to help.


  1. My daughter had some of those symptoms, basically problems processing oral instructions. It caused so many difficulties in her early school life, because teachers thought she was being stubborn or lazy. She ended up having a reading delay, mostly due to lack of confidence, but fortunately we were able to move her to another school where they could give her one-to-one help. She's now 14 and is doing exceptionally well. CAPD can be successfully managed with the right strategies.

  2. It's great to know that with the right strategies children can be successful. Thank you for sharing that.

  3. My friends child has this and they have addressed it at school but it does not seem that the teachers get it and therefore speak to her in the engaging way she needs. It does not help.

  4. Teaching staff can make all the difference in my experience. My caseload is always complicated and I'm often the last resort and it can be very up-setting when staff don't understand the problem. Unfortunately, problems like this aren't widely known about but will become increasingly so. A bit like dyslexia or ASD in the past. Its a slow road to enlightenment but we'll keep trying to do our bit to spread the word. Thank you for your comment.
