Thursday 7 April 2011

Listen Up - it's not just about talking

It isn't easy to see and recognise what happens beneath the surface of children's communication. Being able to listen, pay attention, play and understand are the fundamental building blocks of communication. 
Adults play a crucial role in supporting these skills. If a child can't listen and understand, they'll struggle to talk. That's why in April our theme is 'it's not just about talking'.
We've developed 2 brand new FREE resources to encourage listening, understanding, interaction and play.
For pre-school children, Listen Up (0-5), includes a card game with fun activities and advice on how parents and early year's workers can use the resource.
Remember fortune tellers from the school playground? The folded up square pieces of paper that you control with your fingers and thumbs? Well you will when you see it!  For school aged children Listen Up (5-11)includes a fun fortune teller with the card game.  These short and simple activities can be done easily and quickly and with everyday things.
To order your free copy email Write 'Listen Up' in the subject header and include your name, full postal address and the age of your child or children you work with. We'll send you the resource sometime in April.
Small Talk Speech & Language Therapy and Smart Talkers Pre-School Communication Groups are supporting the Hello campaign and

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