Wednesday 13 October 2010

S & L World: a global bulletin for SLT/SLPs published by Small Talk SLT Ltd

I've been truly fascinated by following Speech & Language Therapists (they're called Speech & Language Pathologists in many parts of the world) on Twitter and Facebook. As I blogged before, I've actually had conversations with some of the people I've read about. I've been inspired and had my ways of thinking both challenged and confirmed.

I was discussing with my partner Ray, who suggested that it would be a great idea to have a magazine full of articles from around the world all about speech and language therapy/pathology. He had the means and skill to do the website and the technical know- how to make it happen........that was last week and anyone who knows me (or him), knows we NEVER hang about on a  good idea so 'S & L World' first edition will be out to co-incide with the UK Year of Speech, language and communication.

I've already got people I admire writing articles for it. 

Once the first edition is out we can do a marketing campaign, using the magazine to really get people interested. I'll invite all the UK PCTs, ASTIP members and the British Universities to take part plus our counterparts in Canada, Australia, New zealand, UAE, Cambodia.... everywhere that you'd have our profession. There are 11,500 in the UK alone. It's a great CPD opportunity (especially for me as I'll be able to read all the submissions!).

It will be a chance to share examples of good practise, discuss what works, look at specific issues and general trends.

Anyone who wants to contribute after the first issue, will have to be a subscriber, with discounts for students and retired therapists. I'm really excited!!

Please e-mail if you have anything you would like to have considered for inclusion. The deadline for the first edition is the end of November.

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