Saturday 10 July 2010


It's great publicity to be nominated for National Awards and I've been persuaded to enter the 2010 Every Woman Awards 2010:
It feels slightly wrong because I enjoy what I do so much it doesn't feel like work!

'The NatWest everywoman Awards celebrates inspirational business women who have achieved significant success - particularly those who've had to overcome adversities such as financial constraints, social disadvantages or skills gaps. The Awards play an invaluable role in both recognising success and inspiring other women to venture into the field of business'.

The NatWest everywoman Awards
I think most people would like to have their own business but there are many perils and pitfalls which have to be over-come on the way to success. It's certainly not the easy route! It is even harder if you are the only bread winner AND a single parent. I'm entering this competition because it might inspire other women to do the same.  That is: decide what they want to do and then find a way to achieve it despite set-backs and uncertainty, financial worries and family commitments.

There's still along way to go as I want to have at least 10 franchises for the Smart Talkers groups by this time next year and a further 10 by the end of 2012.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are to be commended. Hope you win!
